Friday, March 17, 2023

A short list of C# coding issues.

Injecting services into entities

It been bugging me for a while now that to use services in a entity can be a bit of pain. It usually starts with a little entity class to do X. Then, oh, I'd like to be able to do some logging, so take an ILogger<X> as constructor problem..

Woops; now I need a wrapper or some outer factory style XFactory to provide the logger service... It's not too bad I suppose, just a bit cumbersome. 

Entities with async construction

Ok, yes, I know; a constructor should be a fairly dumb operation. The constructor's goal is (mor or less) to validate and preserve input parameters. 

But some times.. particularly if your trying to break out of a Service + DTO view of the world, an entity may need to call an async service method during creation.

Years ago this problem presented with C++ on windows, generally solved with a 2-phase construction.

2-phase is a valid pattern for richer entities, but id does introduce:
  • Created entity is NOT immediately usable.
  • Entity code now generally needs safety code to throw if not fully initialised 

Typed strings with serialization

Not quite sure what to call this. 

Often data is expressed as a string, but with some constraints. For instance a PathString will always start with a '/'. This can be a very useful constraint, particularly for string concatenation etc.

 I also find myself writing constrained string classes for jobs like ensuring a valid Kubernetes entity name.

But as I've done a few times now, I then need patterns to serialize / deserialize these typed-strings, and to cleanly use them with other code.

I'm hoping to soon publish a package for these issues; currently trialling a pattern, we'll see.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Introducing kwd.CoreUtil

 I built this a while ago; others may find it handy.

It's a small library focussing primarily on syntax sugar  for C#

kwd.CoreUtil v1.1.0:  Git / Nuget

The main code is a set of extensions to make working with FileInfo and DirectoryInfo more natural.

In addition there are some other utilities for strings and file streams.

Originally the design was to restrict this to ONLY depend on standard .NET Core packages. 

But more recently I stumbled onto System.IO.Abstractions; since the package is lite, and provides significant benefit; I've take it as a dependency

 So what's it good for?

Well, my favourite is the Ensure* extensions. 
Super handy to ensure a directory exists before used.

Have a look and provide some feedback :)

A short list of C# coding issues.

Injecting services into entities It been bugging me for a while now that to use services in a entity can be a bit of pain. It usually starts...