Recently I needed to create a link to edit a content item in Orchard. Orchard uses a url like http://mysite/Home/Admin/Contents/Edit/123, where the id corresponds to the content item id.
My first thought was to hand-craft the url, replacing the content id as needed. But I found a better way: use the item's meta-data. Firstly inject the orchard IContentManager as usual, then call IContentManager.GetItemMetadata() The returned ContentItemMetadata contains MVC route's, for my particular case, EditorRouteValues had all the data I needed.
In my exploration of Orchard, I am continually finding myself having to dive into the code to work out how to do things. So here is 'how' I finally stumbled on the meta data solution.
Firstly I knew the Content Control Wrapper performed some 'magic' which added a link to a content item's edit.
Alas so-far I have no special trick for getting from a feature to the code that implements it. But eventually I found Orchard.Core/Contents/ControlWrapper.cs which implements the feature as a IShapeTableProvider. In here we see Content is wrapped with a Content_ControlWrapper shape.
Since nothing particularly enlightening is happening, I went to the view for the shape: Orchard.Core/Views/Content.ControlWrapper.cshtml. In the view the Html.ItemEditLinkWithReturnUrl() caught my eye.
This ItemEditLinkWithReturnUrl() is an extension, tracked down to Orchard.Framework/Mvc/Html/ContentItemExtensions.cs
Navigating to find the core ItemEditLink helper, bingo, I found how the content item meta-data is used for route values.
I found the ItemEditLink helper as well, but I still don't know how to make a simple link that builds a URL from the ItemEditLink (the overload descriptions aren't helpful). What did your statement finally end up being? I'm stuck at @Html.ItemEditLink("Edit", [nowWhat?])
ReplyDeleteThanks for the article
My actual usage was in a controller via RedirectToRoute(metadata.EditorRouteValues).
DeleteYou need to get the Content item (IContent).
In your controller ctor; add IOrchardServices, that will get it injected for you.
Then in your controller action; use IOrchardServices.ContentManager.Get(contentId, VersionOptions.Latest), that will get you the contentItem.
Now you can put that on your Model, so your view can use @Html.ItemEditLink("Edt", Model.ContentItem)
If all else fails; you can fall back to just create the url by strings, all you'll need is the content items id (yuk, but would get the job done).